To this end I also labor, striving according to His working which works in me mightily. ~Colossians 1:29 (KJV)
Paul reveals his purpose in the previous verse. He labors by preaching, warning, and teaching about Jesus with the goal of presenting every man as perfect in Christ (Colossians 1:28). Paul labors (works hard) to accomplish this goal, but he is not alone. God is working in him “mightily.”
We labor. Labor means “work hard; make great effort.” Striving means “making great efforts to achieve something.” We know that Paul traveled extensively, and everywhere he went he shared the gospel and established churches. He was persecuted, including being stoned and arrested. He also went through trials, such as being shipwrecked.
God works. We are never alone. God works “mightily” in us. Aside from the wisdom and knowledge God gave him, Paul was able to perform miracles. He cast out demons, healed people, raised someone from the dead, and survived a venomous snake bite. God used Paul to start churches and send letters to churches that later became scripture.
Accomplishing a goal that God has for us involves two things: our labor and God’s work in us. It does take labor on our part, but the Lord is with us. When I consider the purpose God gave me to share the gospel through my writing, I realize how much work it is. I get up early so I have time to write and try to fit it into my busy schedule. I joined writing groups to help me with some of the steps. I developed a newsletter and a presence on social media to connect with people who may be interested in my work. When you strive for a purpose, you see results. I’ve got a group of people who work with me, share with me, and encourage me, and I’ve gotten into a routine that helps me grow and reach my goals.
Are you striving toward a purpose? What is the labor God has called you to do? Are you doing it? Are you allowing God to work in you? How are you growing as a result of your joint labor with God?