This week I am feeling better after falling ill and testing positive for COVID last week. The circumstances behind my diagnosis made me laugh because the day before I got sick I received a free COVID test from my work. I came home sick from work the next day and decided to take the test, considering I work with children and an adult who is at risk for complications with the virus. I tested positive, so I was forced to self-quarantine for five days. I was unafraid of my own illness, and the symptoms seemed mild after the first day, but as I began to hear of others in my church who got it, I became afraid for those I loved. Would this virus affect us as a warm and loving body of Christ? To be determined.
“Sometimes the only way we can discover our true power is by living through the crisis we feared. ”~Chris Gardner,
Start Where You Are:
Life Lessons in Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
Chris Gardner is the man Will Smith portrayed in the biographical drama, “The Pursuit of Happyness.” In the story, Smith is a salesman who invests in bone scanners. He and his wife argue about finances, and she leaves him to pursue a job elsewhere. He ends up confronted by one difficulty after another, with a young son in tow, but continues to pursue that better life. This was an incredible movie based on the true story of Gardner’s homelessness before he started a multi-million dollar brokerage firm.
“. . .rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;” ~ Romans 12:12
Trials and Tribulation. There’s still a good deal of fear surrounding COVID-19 and it still hits some hard. Several of our members were more ill than I was and my heart went out to them. The truth is, we are going to have tribulation. Sin is in the world, and Satan will still strike where he can. We are to be patient in tribulation because God will deliver us. He’s done it in the past and has proven himself to be faithful. If that’s not enough, we know that through Jesus Christ we have salvation and a home in Heaven, which is a blessing that overcomes any earthly trials.
Power and Prayer. As Gardner states, sometimes going through trials shows us that we have power—power to overcome the thing we feared. We also have power in the hope that God gives us and in the power of prayer. I’ve done a lot of praying over the past several days, asking God to heal those who are ill. As referenced in Romans, we are to continue in prayer when we face trials and temptations. The Lord hears our prayers. Prayer strengthens the relationships we have with each other and our relationship with the Lord. We are not going through the tough times alone.
Rejoice in Hope. God has given us hope if we have salvation. Our hope, a home in Heaven, is a reason to rejoice! We will never have to face the fire of hell. In addition, we can have hope that the Lord does have something planned for our lives after the trials and tribulations. We can rejoice, knowing that the Lord intends to use the trials, or He teaches through the tribulations, or we can help others by overcoming the difficulties we go through.
Are you suffering through something right now? Find your hope, rejoice, and continue in prayer. I would also love to pray for you, so feel free to respond to this message and let me know how to pray.