My new word of the year is going to be “pursuit.” I’ll have a graphic for you in the next newsletter. I chose pursuit because I’m going to focus on the pursuit of my purpose. I want to be more intentional, more diligent, and more focused in my time with God and my writing times.
Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. ~Hebrews 13:15-16 ESV
Time. God wants me to share my work, but I have to be diligent in my focus and on finishing. That starts with my time with Him. I need to be spending time in prayer and praise and it should be continual. Not, “pray when I can,” or “pray when I feel like it,” but more like having a set time every day, or a set routine.
Meaning. Our sacrifices are pleasing to God. We should be doing good. We should be loving and supporting others. What we do should have meaning and be honoring to God.
“Meaning is not found in passivity. You must track it down with fervent pursuit and fierce endurance. Meaning must be earned.”
― Shawn Davis, The Talk: A Young Person's Guide to Life's Big Questions
Focus. I hope that I will be able to focus on pursuing the goals God has for me this year, and encouraging you along the way.
Do you have something you feel God wants you to pursue?