I love to create. As a writer, there’s nothing more enjoyable than bringing a new story to life. Many thoughts and ideas float around in my brain, and putting them on paper (or a Google doc) allows me to create something that’s enjoyable for others.
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. ~Colossians 1:16 (ESV)
God created. God’s first recorded act in the Bible was to create.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. ~Genesis 1:1
God didn’t stop creating after He created the heavens and the earth. According to Colossians, He created all things, including things that are visible and things that aren’t. He created thrones, dominions, rulers, and authorities. He created anything else you can think of because He created all things.
A Creator Creates. We were created by the Creator, therefore we were also created to create. Creativity looks different from person to person, but I believe we all have the capacity to create.
Unique Talent. I believe God has gifted us, not only with the ability to create, but with a unique talent, and call to use that talent. Someone who has a talent for writing, like me, should be using that talent.
For years I didn’t really use my talent because I didn’t think it would be useful. I knew I was gifted to teach. I created many things as a teacher, using that gift instead. I created lessons, materials, and relationships. I created love and joy in the classroom. But I neglected my talent to write.
A noble purpose inspires sacrifice, stimulates innovation and encourages perseverance. ~Gary Hamel
Core Competencies. Gary Hamel is an American businessman, who developed the idea of Core Competencies. Every business has those core resources and skills that identify it. I bet if I name a company you can think of a few core aspects. McDonald's: fast, fries. Walmart: cheap, many options. Bath and Body Works: colorful, variety of scents. Any company that wants to be successful is going to have those core competencies that will allow you to identify them.
We have skills at our core that identify us. I hope when you think of me you think of my faith, my teaching, and my writing. You also have core aspects that make you who you are, and the ability to create according to those core aspects. Someone gifted at cooking can create tasty food. Someone gifted at organizing can create a better use of space. Someone gifted in leadership or management can create ideas that people want to follow. The list goes on.
Creative Purpose. Part of our purpose is to create. As Hamel stated, a noble purpose stimulates innovation. We should create according to our talents, using that toward a “noble” purpose.
How has God gifted you? Creativity and innovation are included. Are you using your gifts for a purpose? If not, is your heart open for God to show you what that purpose is?